
My practice is focused on time and impermanence in the recurring and nearby: the daily movement of shadows across the surface of the earth, the change of seasons, the coming and going of man.
Here the indistinct and implied prevail: the blurred rather than the sharp. The broken rather than the perfect. Silhouette and shadow rather than body. Unfiltered dream visions of landscapes you might have passed once.
In a work method that’s highly thought-based and revolves around condensing an initial idea, the process becomes my anchor. The process brings clarity to the mind through rules and repetition. I think that’s why I’m especially attracted to printmaking. Woodcutting, with it's backward thinking, working everything in reverse and in the negative space, is particularly close to my heart.
Signatur – mere end en underskrift / Signature – more than an autograph, Kunsthuset Annaborg, Hillerød, exhibitor and curator
Passage, Virum Gymnasium, Virum, Solo Exhibition
Tryk til tørre / Out to Dry, Havarthigaarden, Gl. Holte
Lyset bryder frem / The light breaks through, Gl. Holte Kirke, Gl. Holte
For nærværende / At present, Cobrarummet, Sophienholm, with Agnete Kjær, Christie Munck, Susanne Winther
Tryk til tørre / Out to Dry, Havarthigaarden, Gl. Holte
Portræt / Portrait, Havarthigaarden, Gl. Holte, exhibitor and curator
Sommersyner / Summer Visions, Havarthigaarden, Gl. Holte, exhibitor and curator
Nordisk Inspiration / Nordic Inspiration, Green Galerie, Sorgenfri with Agnete Zielinski
Imagining the Garden – Your tour starts here!, Albrectsens Galleri, Copenhagen, with Agnete Kjær, Susanne Winther
New York International Miniature Print Exhibition, Manhattan Graphics Center, New York
Byens Dag / The Day of the Village, Torpens Kapel, Humlebæk with Hanne Marie Winkel
Tryk på Tryk / Print on Print, Havartigården, Gl. Holte
Forårsudstilling / Spring Exhibition, Havartigaarden, Gl. Holte
Vintergrafik / Winter Prints, Annaborg, Hillerød
Tryk på Farven / The Pressure of the Colour, Rytterskolen, Brønshøj
MiniTEX14, Rundetårn, København / Nicolai, Kolding
Sommerudstilling / Summer Exhibition, Havartigården, Gl. Holte
40 år / 40 Years, Havartigården, Gl. Holte
Silence / Stilhed, Havartigården, Gl. Holte
TRYK / PRINT, Havarthigården, Gl. Holte
KKS - The Danish Society of Female Artists
Grafisk Gruppe - The Graphic Group Workshop
2010 HND, Reigate School of Art, Design and Media, UK
2008 Art Foundation Diploma, Reigate School of Art, Design and Media, UK